Rocketswap Update — Nov 2021
3 min readNov 20, 2021


The latest information from Rocketswap HQ — completed work and future changes!

Infrastructure Upgrades

Rocketswap has recently completed and rolled out changes to the platform to improve stability moving forward; compounding with recent performance improvements to Lamden, users should see a better end-user experience when using Rocketswap. More performance enhancements are planned — keep an eye on Lamden!

More RSWP burning!

The RSWP transaction fee burn is increasing from 20% burn to 50% — that is a 150% increase in RSWP burning! Same fee structure, we are just burning more.

RSWP fee example = 20 RSWP
Old burn = 0.2*20 = 4 RSWP
New burn = 0.5*20 = 10 RSWP
=(4-10)/4 = 1.5 = 150%

You can now track the aggregated burns on Rocketswap Broadcasts — here sent from the RSWPburnbot (a great addition by MarvinFerret).

Burn updates are currently sent to Rocketswap Broadcasts every 3 hours however may be updated as traffic and burn volumes increase!

Yield Farms

In addition to the recent additions, there will be 3 more farms on the near horizon — Rubix (RBX), BEE, and BASED. Stay tuned for details and emission rates.

The RSWP emissions on both RSWP single staking and RSWP LP will be reduced by 20% in an effort to reduce the dilution of RSWP value. This will occur on Sunday 21 November at 22:00 UTC.

Verified Tokens

Verified tokens are coming to Rocketswap! These tokens will go through an additional layer of scrutiny by Rocketswap staff before receiving the ‘verified’ stamp. While this does not guarantee a rug will not occur the confidence should be greatly improved compared to an unverified token.

For example, a verified token will have:

  • Contract code review
  • Appropriate liquidity which may involve locking liquidity in a smart contract
  • Logical token distribution schedule
  • Website, roadmap, and use-case

Coingecko Integration

Discussions are continuing with Coingecko to integrate Rocketswap, this would mean integration for all Lamden tokens, not just RSWP. Determining what inputs and outputs are acceptable for a new API has meant this has gone through a few rounds of discussion — however, progress is being made.

Charts, charts, charts!

The Team is hard at work building charting features for Rocketswap! Stay tuned for some mock-ups to be released as we progress.

Let us know what you think!



Rocketswap, a community driven AMM hosted on the Lamden Blockchain